all postcodes in TF3 / TELFORD

find any address or company within the TF3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF3 2AA 21 0 52.660885 -2.434425
TF3 2AB 19 0 52.661275 -2.433438
TF3 2AD 4 0 52.662923 -2.432848
TF3 2AE 16 0 52.66233 -2.432798
TF3 2AF 32 0 52.662018 -2.434391
TF3 2AG 30 0 52.662839 -2.433601
TF3 2AH 15 0 52.661594 -2.432288
TF3 2AJ 12 0 52.662522 -2.431898
TF3 2AL 13 0 52.661706 -2.431254
TF3 2AN 15 0 52.662124 -2.432456
TF3 2AP 15 0 52.666267 -2.437701
TF3 2AQ 13 0 52.661119 -2.432091
TF3 2AR 38 1 52.666317 -2.43646
TF3 2AS 24 0 52.665672 -2.438302
TF3 2AT 11 0 52.6637 -2.431673
TF3 2AU 36 0 52.663089 -2.431696
TF3 2AW 26 0 52.666706 -2.438135
TF3 2AX 5 0 52.662857 -2.431043
TF3 2AY 14 0 52.663271 -2.433502
TF3 2AZ 9 0 52.663992 -2.433065